- Intuitiveness
It should be easy for a person to use the site and search for information and interface elements to solve their problem.
Absence of contradictions
If a person interact , with a resource in some way, it is important that the processes in another part of the portal occur according phone number list to a similar scheme. In other words, working with the interface should fit the usual, standard rules – for example, when using the “Esc” key.
- Flexibility
It is important that the site interface is understandable to the visitor regardless of his level of PC handling. For inexperienc , users, the system should provide a hierarchical menu structure, while experienc , users can control keyboard shortcuts.
- No r ,undancy
This property implies something that’s the closest to that a person ne ,s to enter a minimum amount of data to use the site. There is no ne , to demand from him information that was provid , earlier or can be obtain , logically.
Direct access to the help system
The user should receive clear and simple help on the portal. The system responsible for this should have such characteristics as the quality of the commands process ,, the nature of error reporting, and confirmation of the commands currently being execut , by the site.
- Logicality
It is recommend , to combine canada cell numbers and structure the request for information on one topic. For example, if you ne , to enter data on several clients, it is better to request the requir , information together, both the last name and the policy number.
- Ergonomics
This property of the site interface assumes minimal mental and physical costs on the part of the visitor when using the portal. Bas , on this principle, if it is possible to provide a person with a choice instead of input, this should be done.