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Albuquerque and Bernalillo County Public Libraries usually offer in-person training but currently only provide access to online learning via Lynda and DigitalLearn. You’ll ne a card from a member library in order to access these. According to New Mexico Code 21-21-D-4, residents over the age of 65 qualify for drastically ruc tuition ($5 per crit hour) at state universities. Note that this rate only applies to your first ten hours, however. New York No surprises here: there are lots of ways to learn about computers in New York. ATTAIN offers in-person and online tech ucation programs, plus free computer access at 35 locations across NY state.

That Makes It As Easy As Possible

Some locations even offer a recurring class call “Computer Basics for Older Adults.” In-person classes are also available at Senior Planet’s offices in New York City and North County, but you have to be at least 60 to attend. Alternatively, you could visit the closest Encore Community Center, since these offer similar programs. Saratoga Springs Nepal Phone Number List Public Library has a free in-person class call “Internet Safety Basics and Fake News” that could be of interest too. Due to the ongoing pandemic, most organizations have pivot to online computer classes. This is good news for you, since it means you can learn without even having to leave the house. Central Harlem Senior Citizens Center and Fort Greene Virtual Senior Center are two excellent examples of this.

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They’re far from the only places with online events, though; we’d also advise checking out the AARP and New York Public Library, since both of these frequently provide Zoom-bas webinars on tech and fraud-relat topics. People are what make New York, and that’s evident by the sheer number of nonprofits currently trying to help out older adults at the moment. There are simply too many to cover here, but thankfully, LiveOn NY keeps an updat list of virtual senior centers, many of TH Lists which have some form of recurring computer class. Each university has its own senior citizen policy, so we’d strongly advise contacting the admissions board of your chosen institution to see if there are any discounts available. Some places, like Brooklyn College and Hunter College, allow you to audit classes for less than $100 per semester.

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