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As we’ve already seen, ransom demands vari dramatically, ranging from. Only 22 percent of the organizations impact reveal the specific ransom amount demand. Understandably, organizations don’t want to discuss ransom amounts or whether. They have paid these as doing so may incentivize further attacks. In 2021, North Carolina and Florida introduc cybersecurity laws that ban government entities from paying ransom demands. Since their introduction, both states have witness two government ransomware attacks.

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While few in number, these do coincide with a general dip in government ransomware attacks US-wide. Therefore, it is difficult to say whether or not the new laws have had any effect on hackers targeting government organizations within these states. Some of the largest ransom payments from 2018 to September 2022 include: In July 2019, the City of Ecuador WhatsApp Number List New Bford receiv a ransom demand of $5.3 million after being attack by the notorious ransomware group Ryuk. The city refus to pay the ransom but did disclose that the total cost of the incident hit $1 million. Just 3 months ago, in August 2022, the City of Wheat Ridge was attack by the ALPHV/Black Cat ransomware strain and was instruct to pay $5 million in ransom. The city refus to pay but did struggle to get systems back up and running even three weeks later.

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In February 2020, North Miami Beach Police Department also receiv a ransom demand for $5 million. There is very little information about this attack and it is still unknown if any payment was made, how much downtime occurr as a result, or which group is responsible. In June 2019, the City of Riviera Beach paid the highest known ransom in TH Lists recent years, a total of $594,000 was paid to Ryuk (although this has not been confirm). In April 2021, the Washington Metropolitan Police Department fac a $4 million ransom demand. It is unknown whether that was paid but Babuk was recogniz as the attacking group responsible. In April 2019, Imperial County in California was also attack by Ryuk ransomware, the hackers demand $1.2 million in ransom, which was refus by the county.

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