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The Specter of General Paralysis, an unpublished work by Roger Wartel

Roger Wartel excell at br together, in one place, colleagues who were psychiatrists, psychologists, Lacanian psychoanalysts, but not only, to debate around a theme always chosen with the greatest care – fault, violence, causality, etc. He also knew how to challenge and provoke lively reactions when it prov necessary, as in 1993 when he propos this provocative title: “What are psychiatrists for? General Paralysis “. This was the spr meet to which, for many years, he invit us in the magnificent Fontevraud Abbey.

Dur the Day organiz at Val-de-Grâce in September 2005 and which was entitl The Young Lacan, we had reread very carefully the first works of Jacques Lacan. For the most part, these are communications made in learn societies with his masters, neurologists or psychiatrists, from 1919 to 1933. If their writ is bas on a conventional writ of the clinic, we nevertheless find a desire to make the patient present to us through his words. These few impurities of the clinic, barely perceptible, already releas a subject from the massiveness of organic causality. (1) This thought which emerg at the beginn of the

20th century remains all its relevance today

Roger Wartel was a priority guest at this Colloquium for his loyalty to Lacan, his liveliness in find the key point of an article, his taste for these works  mobile database written at the intersections of disciplines and also for his interest in the psychic fact in the armies. I had suggest that he write about Lacan’s interventions at the Société de psychiatrie and focus his remarks on what dominat micine at the time, such as neuropsychiatry, the lesional dimension includ the after-effects of heritary syphilis. In this short intervention, he had not only identifi the neuroanatomical context of the time – locat mental illness in what is opensea? popular nft marketplace  the cranium – but also recall the subtleties of Dupré’s treatise which, in 1914, separat neurological disorders from pathologies of the imagination.

(2)It is then that Roger Wartel very subtly puts this interpellation of Dupré to the psychiatrists of his time in tension with the remarks made in the same Review, L’Encéphale, in 2005 He then returns to 1929, to tell us that the

approach of the beginn of the century was the break point that l a group of young psychiatrists orient by psychoanalysis, includ Louis Mâle  bett email list and Jacques Lacan, to create around Henry Ey the Group of Psychiatric Evolution. He shows us how this disjunction, neurology/psychiatry, is always call into question and that Lacan return several times to this ne to recall the non-congruence of the two disciplines. He notes that 1972 was the date of the first aggregation of psychiatry, those of neurology “old regime” were group under the unsurpris “Broom competition” like those cars that pick up latecomers, out of the race.

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