Subscriptions are a unique way for brands to create recurring revenue streams while engaging consumers — from discovery and checkout all the way to unboxing — to maximize customer lifetime value. In fact, adding a subscription offering can increase customer lifetime value by 178%.
For brands using WooCommerce, adding a subscription offering for any product is simple and fast with Bold Subscriptions. To create one, add the Bold Subscription plugin to your WooCommerce store through the Marketplace in the Bold Checkout plugin.
Once installed, you can turn any product in a WooCommerce store into a subscription offering in less than 90 seconds. to the subscriptions plugin and clicking on mobile phone number data updated 2025 Subscription groups in the menu. Click on the Create subscription group button and give this group a name. A subscription group might be all the products in a store that get a discount when purchased on a subscription. So a subscription group name could be “Subscribe & Save”.
With the name entered,
click the select products button and choose which what is opensea? popular nft marketplace products are included in this subscription group. Then agent email list configure the subscription frequency and discount for subscribing and click save changes.