They could then buy it and long-term have permanent access to these materials, to this library, to all the knowledge that it contains.
Plus support from me, but not really done-for-you and also no one-on-one support , but rather support in the sense that they can ask questions.
Maybe add a community behind it for roastery owners who don’t compete with each other, because I imagine that would be rather difficult.
Therefore, I would just leave it at the info product , i.e. licensed product.
You are, in a sense, buying the right to use these materials, along with support.
Then I would have long-term to sell 20 of them a year to get to 100,000
You’ll notice that selling 20 x 5000 info product license products sounds a bit more difficult than simply generating 3 customers a year for a service.
That’s why I would c level executive list do service first .
That would be my path from 0 to 100k if I had to, if they took everything away from me and I had to start from zero, except of course my knowledge, which I keep.
That’s why I always say:
The best investment is in knowledge.
Not only does it have very high interest rates and a very high ROI, but no one can take it away from you.
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