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In an interview she mentioned:

Visual copywriting she mentioned of the highest class:

One-legged golfer
50 yards
explosive power
accurate as clockwork
The headline combined with the first paragraph is already so strong that if I were a golfer, I would have already pulled out my credit card…

According to Carlton, this text has been copied and stolen many times.

If you also want to steal – er, learn – from him, then read his blog here .

Copywriter Bonus she mentioned 3: Parris Lampropoulos

– The Bulletpoint Master
copywriter Parris job function email database Lampropoulos
If you sell info products (books, courses, coaching), here is a very powerful technique from Parris Lampropoulos – which he himself learned from Clayton Makepeace.

Here’s how:

Step 1:

Go through the entire product (e.g. the book) and write a bullet point for each interesting point .

Here is my article on bullet points .

Step 2:

Consider how this point pays off for the customer.

So what does the customer get out of it?

This way you can write several pages of bullet points.

Step 3:

Keep only the most exciting bullet points and those with the highest pay-off.

Step 4:

Write a compelling headline and a strong call to action at the end.

Your advertising text is ready .


Which copywriter has influenced you the most?

Did I forget a great she mentioned copywriter?

Have I forgotten YOUR role model?

Then post it in the comments – and what we can learn from him or her.

If you don’t have any questions and are just excited, please share the article on Facebook or Linkedin.

I’ll talk to you about the 3 crucial factors that will help you earn €100,000 a year.

As a self-employed person.

Let’s get started icon design for your website right away.

Ingredient #1: The right target group!
She had the cheekiest hip swing.

In the 90s, thousands of people held their breath when Brandy Quinones strutted down the catwalk.

Long legs, short skirts, full lips.

At just 16 years agent email list of age, the Italian model was hired by Versace and worked with almost all the major brands of the 90s.


– “At school I always got into trouble if I wore skirts that were too short.
Now I get paid for it.” –

What does this mean for you as a content creator?


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