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5 Most Common Mistakes Tenderers Make

A tender participant may not take the application seriously and, due to his inexperience and carelessness, simply fail to fulfill all the requirements. The technical specifications from the customer should be read with the utmost care. There may be footnotes and minor notes. At first glance, you may not notice them and think that such a contract will be implemented quite easily.

However, in reality, after the conclusion of the contract, it turns out that the company is not ready to fulfill its obligations and may end up on the register of unscrupulous suppliers.

Errors in documents

One of the most common mistakes is not carefully studying telegram data the tender conditions. Suppliers often do not pay due attention to details, which leads to shortcomings in the preparation of documents. Some tender participants provide an incomplete set of documents or fill out forms incorrectly. Even the slightest error in the application can cause it to be rejected.

3. Incorrectly calculated cost price

Remember that you need to take part in tenders first and foremost to make a profit . This is the main task of an entrepreneur. However, some participants that would be the long-term switch forget about this and simply try to win without calculating their own costs . As a result, they offer too low a price and end up in the red. It is always worthwhile to understand in advance the price below which you cannot go.

4. Victory at any cost

There are often situations when inexperienced participants lower the price as much as possible and try to take the tender at any cost, just to get the first customers. This is not worth doing, since such tactics are associated with a large number of risks. In addition to losses and financial losses, you can only harm your reputation.

If the goal is only to get a large and famous customer and philippines numbers then use this case for marketing purposes, then you can dump the price. However, you should do this very carefully, only if you have experience, qualified specialists and a large safety cushion, since you will definitely go into the minus.

5. Participation in two or more tenders at the same time

Many new participants submit several applications for different tenders at once to increase their chances of success. However, it may happen that you have to carry out several orders at once. This is an undesirable situation, especially for those who are just starting to deal with tenders.

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