Many managers mistakenly take their employees’ workaholism for true commitment to the cause. However, there is a fundamental difference between these states. Workaholics are literally obsess with their professional activities, forgetting about all other areas of life. Their minds are constantly focus on work tasks, which inevitably leads to emotional exhaustion and a drop in productivity.
On the other hand, a truly passionate employee c level executive list experiences genuine joy from the work process. They draw enthusiasm and pride from achievements, but do not lose touch with personal interests and are able to restore strength for new professional heights. The lives of passionate employees are harmoniously balanc between career and leisure.
Psychologist Wilmar Schaufeli identifies 4 possible states of a person in relation to his professional activity.
4 states of an employee according to the Wilmar Schaufeli model
The best option is passion for work. Such an employe e is completely absorb in work issues, while experiencing an emotional upsurge and deep satisfaction from the results achiev
Destructive work addiction is a painful, obsessive what is a brokerage account in absorption in official duties, which have become an end in themselves for a person, the meaning of existence. This is a dangerous syndrome leading to inevitable professional and personal exhaustion.
Emotional burnout is a crisis stage of absolute indifference and emptiness. At this stage, a person feels cynicism and the complete meaninglessness of his work.
An even, balanc attitude to work, in which it does mobile lead not cause either delight or significant disappointment. A kind of neutrality without bright emotional manifestations.
When forming a team of like-mind people, a leader should strive to ensure that the maximum number of employees are in a state of passion for work. It is important to inspire the team to give their all, but to ensure that work enthusiasm does not develop into workaholism. Only a reasonable balance between intense activity and rest guarantees sustainable team productivity in the long term.
Motivational factors for employees of different ages
When creating a cohesive team, it is important to consider aspects of professional activity of different generations. A competent manager should build a motivation system taking into account the diversity of values and nes of employees of different ages.