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from simple consultation to problem solving

from simple consultation to problem solving The most important moment is considered to be writing scripts.Firstly, regardless of the fact that it is a template, it needs to be made alive, as if it was created specifically for this client. If the communication format is suitable and the audience is loyal, then you can use jokes, a humorous approach, apply emoticons and emoji for design.

Secondly, ideally, scripts should cover all situations –

as well as unexpected cases. To develop template responses phone number list  the sales department carefully studies how communication with consumers occurs, what questions arise. It is also necessary to know the product itself, its advantages and, especially, its weaknesses.

Preparing scripts takes a lot of time and resources, so companies often hire professionals to do this.

Tools for building communication with clients

These tools allow businesses to increase conversion and expand their customer base, while potential buyers receive interesting offers in a game format without having to watch monotonous intrusive advertising.

Telephony without interruptions and “smart” call processing

If incoming calls remain unanswered, then customers leave – not having reached the organization, they begin to work with other sellers or service providers. To minimize such risks, there is a virtual PBX (VATS), which has about 60 functions.


KATS collects conversation records, statistics, order and request history. In total, this customer communication service includes approximately 1,000 functions, one of the most  factors affecting technical seo important of which is the ability to reserve. Usually, if there is no Internet on the client’s own PBX, then telephony becomes impossible, and if a violation occurs in the local network, then employees cannot even communicate with each other. Reservation allows you to install two identical versions of the program on top of each other, connected to each other. If one of the versions fails, the second one is automatically connected.

The service can be combined with any other internal system, including CRM and other software from various developers.

Source: shutterstock.com

End-to-end analytics and call tracking

In 2022, companies had to quickly look for new promotion channels and create new online advertising on the fly. Thus, advertising budgets in Telegram in March – June 2022 increased by 591%, and in VKontakte – by 146%.

One of them is an end-to-end analytics service with the ability to track calls.

There are two types of call tracking:

  1. Static – each advertising channel (billboard, s fresh list ales manager, advertising block in the media) has a separate phone number.
  2. Dynamic – each client has a unique ID, and the company sees not only where the user came from, but also receives anonymized data  channels.
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