Official partner of the Web Marketing Festival

The most common mistakes to avoid

We often associate the concept of instant marketing with that of irony .
It is true that in these cases a lighter or winking tone of voice can be an extra gear, but the main risk is that of wanting to express concepts that have little to do with the initial brand identity.
Real time marketing is an effective tool, but Italy Phone Number List only if it is consistent with the company’s values.
The will must be to communicate an original and relevant opinion or message, without forcing.
Also respecting the field of activity of one’s business and not exploiting unpleasant news or events for one’s campaigns are two basic rules not to be forgotten.

Hitting the mark with real time marketing: the Ikea case

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When it comes to successful and impactful campaigns, and investments in communication , one of the recurring names is that of Ikea .
Moving on several channels and intercepting a very large TH Lists target, Ikea has always focused on an idea of ​​communication that above all transmits naturalness, everyday life and positivity, with an eye to the planet. The social
channels are cared for and differentiated according to the cultural context of the various targets. Ikea has focused, among other things, on experimentation. He proposed some innovative initiatives that had a very positive response among users. As in the case of

We note that all this demonstrates particular attention to contingent events, and makes the face of Ikea more human, more authentic, witty and close to consumers, giving way to a spontaneous exchange of interactions and conversations.


Real time marketing can prove to be the right choice to communicate or promote your business.

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