Interesting Allegory Possibly Known by

 The first of them says that the strategy must be built “from the outside in”, that is, we must analyze the external environment in which we find ourselves as best as possible, identifying opportunities and risks, trends and changes, and then moving on to see our capabilities ( strengths and weaknesses) and compare whether we have the possibility of operating on it: this is known as strategic capacity. It is also understood that in the short term it is unlikely to modify the environment, but in the long term the accumulat results of the strategy tend to modify it, if we were previously successful.

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 That said, it should be not that the changes may have a temporary nature (shorter cycles) or structural nature (longer cycles). A cyclical change is reflect, for example, in fashion and seasonal trends, or in economic matters in variations within an annual horizon, for example. Structural b2b leads changes imply a much longer horizon: a change in underlying cultural values, such as the acceptance of rights for minorities or the role of women in society beyond the stereotypes of the traditional housewife, or in the axes of international economic development: the engines of growth, represent mainly by emerging economies since the 2008 crisis, the case of China being the most notable.

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One of the most provocative voices regarding the implications of structural changes is that of Dr. Dambisa Moyo, a native of Zambia, with a PhD in Economics from the University of Oxford, with a master’s degree from Harvard and a professional career with positions at the Bank World and Goldman Sachs, who thanks to this combination of elements in his personal development has a very particular perspective. The relationships between economy and politics have been a subject of study by Dr. Moyo and TH Lists we must keep in mind, as she points out, that the economic consolidation of a nation gives it political power in the international sphere: the sustain growth of China in recent decades has given it greater weight in international geopolitics, and of course, the capacity to directly influence the development of other nations.

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