Nels as part of a comprehensive

The tools of the act phase are once again the contents Nels as part on the companys website . In each piece of content. It is important to arouse the readers interest in reading the next piece of content as well . Because if this does not happen. The progress along the purchase path stops. One of the tasks of marketing is to generate leads for sales. But in addition to just contact information. It is essential for salespeople to get more detail information about the leads path. Interests and backgrounds.

It is impossible to identify the backgrounds

Without the right kind of metrics. It is impossible to identify the backgrounds of the lead. With the help of measurement. It is possible to find b2b leads bottlenecks in the process or quickly scale a campaign launch in a test mind to a large audience. When the contents are relevant. The prospect doesnt even want to leave the site. But happily reads more about the topic . Taking advantage of the prospects ne for information. He is taken further along his purchase path. To the next c onvert stage .

Aready very convinc of the companys

b2b leads

Leads in the convert stage are already very convinc of the companys product and are often ready to buy. At this stage. The target conversions can be very different a TH Lists potential customer can be expect. For example. To download target content . Send an offer request. Or do direct sales. Sales and marketing should not be satisfi with achieving the goals of the c onvert phase. Because after that there is still the engage phase. Which is very important from the point of view of a profitable business .

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