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Are you ready for an increase in web traffic?


You launch a campaign and everything goes swimmingly. Users share it, your campaigns’ virality grows and traffic to your website multiplies by 4 or 5 in a matter of days. But suddenly… boom! Your server can’t handle so many visits at once and crashes. Instead of conversions, what you now have are angry users Are you ready for  because list of greenland consumer email their experience with your brand is not positive.

But don’t worry, it has happened to many brands. The important thing is to solve it quickly and prevent it from happening to you in the future. Creating a high-traffic campaign and succeeding in the attempt is more than possible . Do you want to know how? Don’t panic and keep reading!

Are you ready for an increase in web traffic?


Why website servers go down
A new AdWords campaign, a cover on Menéame, a post shared by thousands of people on Facebook, the launch of a new product… any event that causes an increase in web traffic can cause the servers to be overwhelmed and the website to crash. But why exactly does this happen?

Because you are using shared hosting. Your website may not have betting email list any problems, but your “neighbor’s” may. In a shared 3 moments when you really need to innovate hosting you are sharing the server capacity with the other clients, so their behavior will affect you.
Because the provider fails . Sometimes, the provider is simply not prepared to handle the demands or amount of traffic of a particular website. If you have continuous downtime problems and they do not improve by trying other solutions, it is time to consider changing providers.

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Because resources are overloaded by technical problems


such as development failures, poorly optimized applications or carelessness.
Because there is a hardware failure . As the Americans say, “shit happens”: a disk has broken, the power supply has failed…
Because there is a security breach . Web security is a weak point for many companies, which makes them vulnerable to all kinds of cyberattacks. Sometimes it even happens that people outside the company have access to the servers without the company knowing anything.

How to handle increased web traffic without dying in the attempt
If you know why websites go down, you’re one step closer to preventing them. Before launching your next high-traffic campaign, keep these 4 points in mind to avoid any surprises.


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