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Call Center Support: What’s the Best Method?

Human resources management in a call center is a matter that involves several figure. The call center manager, the team leader, specialized trainers and, of course, human resources staff. In this article we illustrate new ways of thinking about training your operators especially in the support phase.

Training an outbound call center agent: onboarding. 

Once hired, the operator will begin an onboarding period. The hungary phone number library goal is to present the company reality and the tools to be used.

During the onboarding process, the new operator will follow a training. Path aimed at developing the skills needed to best manage a sales call in complete autonomy.

The work of an outbound call center operator is subject to various prejudices. We like to reiterate that calling on the phone to sell is not the same as talking on the phone the number of contracts and appointments of individuals with a friend. Making sales calls requires an adequate training path : you need to know the techniques for managing objections, know how to modulate the tone of voice and do a lot of practice.

After that, we proceed to the moment of traditional support.

Did you know that there is a new way to do coaching? We want to explain the advantages of a new type of approach in the onboarding phase: listening rules, or rather, setting coaching rules.

Traditional side-by-side.

What does shadowing in a call center involve? New resources are literally placed next to the best operators with headphones connected to the same PC so as to show belgium numbers the new ones how to handle themselves during a sales call.

The new operator has the possibility, therefore, to listen to the conversation between the expert operator and the user for a variable period of time. In most cases, a new operator will be paire with a single expert operator. If you have a call center that works on multiple mandates with different locations, traditional pairing may not be enough. In recent years, moreover, hybrid work formulas have been adopte, it is likely that you could be induced to neglect training due to smart working.


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