Other information exchange networks are emerging. The such as this collaborative board on. Framasoft which brings together different countries’ data initiatives to fight the coronavirus. On the entertainment side . The castings are done by videoconference. The scripts are written on Miro. The and filming is done by the actors themselves. Do-it-yourself. The the new “Zoom” aesthetic How to make a virtue of necessity? Due to distancing. The the meia are adapting their production to the tools available.
Short focal length
The altere faces. The in the midst of the rise of HD. The Zoom business to consumer database aesthetic is accepte by viewers eager for first-hand information and new entertainment. Presenters. The hosts and actors are also locke up at home. The and are organizing themselves with the means at hand. BBC Newsquiz before and during lockdown Perhaps one of the most reactive “ At Home ” productions is the show “ Drinnen im Internet sind alle gleich ” (Inside the Internet. The we are all the same) on the German channel ZDF Neo.
With the leitmotif
No human being had to leave their home for this ill working with a blog bring results? series.” From April 3rd. The we could follow the confine life of a German actress. The Lavinia Wilson. The and her husband (in real life) for fifteen episodes. Microphone kit sent by (German) Post. The self-makeup. The remote eiting. The the result is funny… and comforting. Alone together live. The the Watch Party phenomenon In China. The the coronavirus has seen the explosion of social tools. The such as interactive livestreaming to sell everything from cars to hotel rooms.
Real-time connection and interaction
The share experience meets an almost vital nee china business directory during lockdown. Social networks and streaming services have understood this well and are (re)promoting their “ co-watching ” tools. Facebook Watch Party. The Instagram Co-Watching . The Netflix Party . The Amazon and Twitch Parties . The we all find ourselves watching a program. The like in the good old days in front of the TV. Except that we also have the possibility of interacting.