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Chief Happiness Officer: What benefits does a happiness officer bring to a brand?


I have good news: happiness has become fashionable in companies . The new position that everyone is talking about is no longer CEO or CTO, but CHO: Chief Happiness Officer.

Although it is not yet widely used in companies (a Google search will return around 700 results), the popularity of this position is growing. And finally, brands around the world have realised that happy companies are the way forward.


What is the Chief Happiness Officer?

In short, the Chief Happiness Officer is the person most responsible for happiness in the company . In more traditional terms, we can say that his or her position falls within the scope of Human Resources, since one of the responsibilities of this area is to ensure the well-being of employees.

However, companies with a happiness manager go a step further than traditional human gambia email list 100000 contact leads resources. The focus is no longer just on offering good conditions to retain employees, but rather on considering work as a source of personal fulfillment.

Of course, although the responsibility for happiness in the company falls on his shoulders, the CHO never works alone. It is essential that he has the support and active involvement of management and employees so that everyone can move forward together towards a happy company.


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The 10 tasks of the Chief Happiness Officer

What exactly does a happiness manager do on a day-to-day basis? Here are 10 of the tasks that define their position:

Making employees feel valued. Not just as professionals, but also as people. Emotions don’t stay at the how web advertising works: find out how to sell and earn!chief growth officer: the new head of marketing door when we enter the office, they come to work with us too! Recognizing this is an essential aleart news step on the road to a happy company.

Ensuring the basics. In order for employees to feel motivated and fulfilled in their jobs, the first thing they need is good salaries and working conditions.

Listen to employees . To understand what employees need to be happy, you need to listen to which type of facebook campaign to choose based on your marketing objectives them. Only in this way can we detect when something is not going well and what to do to correct it. For example, at Cyberclick our strategy is to use a happiness traffic light .


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