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Code phrase that customers will

The information entered by customers in this custom field gets passed through to Orders in WooCommerce, so the brand never misses a detail.


How to create discount codes in WooCommerce using the Bold Checkout Experience Suite?
Offering a discount to customers is a popular tool in most brands’ ecommerce and marketing strategies. Known as coupons, promo codes, or discount codes, these kinds of offers can help brands attract new customers.

A survey found 80% of shoppers say they are more likely to make a first-time purchase from a brand that is new to them if they have a discount or offer code. Without it, shoppers are far more likely to abandon their carts. Another survey found that two-thirds of consumers say they have “made a purchase they weren’t originally planning to make solely basedc phone number library on finding a coupon or discount.”

With Bold Checkout

Experience Suite for WooCommerce you can create a the best approach is to be consistent discount code in less than 60 seconds right in the Bold Account Center. First, navigate to the Bold Checkout app then click on the Payment Options drop down menu. Select agent email list Discount Codes and then click the Create Discount Code button.

From there, fill out the details of your discount code, such as:

Name of the code.
use in the checkout.

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