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Creative Ideas for Instagram Vertical Videos


Vertical videos are trending . In 2015, when sites like Periscope and Creative Ideas for Snapchat started betting on them, very few believed in this format. After all, we have been watching movies in horizontal format for more than 120 years. Televisions and computer monitors are also horizontal, and we find it hard to imagine list of christmas island consumer email them any other way. But mobile phones have managed to change things.


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Mobile has been such a revolution in our content consumption habits that it has led to how to assess the feasibility of your business idea marketing campaigns being designed first for mobile and then adapted to other formats. And finally, this way of thinking is reaching vertical videos . And if we take into account that mobile phones are vertical by default and that most of the time we hold them with just one hand, it is logical to think that the video format that best adapts to them is vertical.

Two years after the first experiments, vertical video is coming back stronger anhui mobile phone number list than ever . And the proof of this is the popularity of this format on Instagram. That’s why today I’m going to analyze some of the best creative ideas for vertical videos on this network.

And if you want, we’ll explain how you can make money with Instagram in 7 steps .

Creative Ideas for Instagram Vertical Videos


Vertical video formats for your Instagram creatives
Instagram Stories has been a huge success for advertisers and video marketing strategies , to the point that more than 50% of brands with a presence on this network have created at least one story this summer. It is a new way to connect with their users and serve as inspiration.

In light of the rise of vertical videos on Instagram, the network itself has teamed up with its creative team to provide creative ideas to brands. Here are some of their suggestions for getting the most out of creative advertising on Instagram.

Use the progress bar at the top of the screen . This way, you can create a moving contrast within your ad, for example by slowly revealing a hidden image. Think of all the possibilities this can offer for “before and after” or “with product X / without product X” Instagram creatives.

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