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Digital marketing in summer: what do you buy in August?


August. 35 degrees in the shade. Even moving two steps away from the umbrella is list of faroe islands consumer email too much for us to handle… Digital marketing  but online marketing is not going on holiday. The summer season offers some very interesting opportunities for brands.

Digital marketing in summer that is bought in August


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Why do online marketing in summer?
August is one of the best months for marketing for many brands. Soft drinks and beers, travel, flights and leisure are classics of the season, but many others know how to take advantage of the occasion to launch themed promotions.

And in summer, consumers are more receptive and more predisposed . We are more relaxed, we have much more free time and leisure, we have accepted that it is a time of spending and for all this, we listen to the proposals of the brands in a different way.

To make the most of this moment, brands are betting on casual tones, bright colours, humour and good vibes. In this way, they manage to connect with this general state of relaxation and bring a smile to their audience’s face.


Ideas to refresh your digital marketing this summer

Launch a photo contest . Few things say “summer” more than a photo of feet betting email list on a beach, right? Summer photo contests are a classic for brands at this time of year, but they’re very effective if you know how to turn them around to relate them to your brand. Offer an attractive prize, do a good job of promoting it so people are dead hours on social media. no posting allowed! encouraged to participate, and take care of the details.
Plan your sales campaign . Without a doubt, one of the reasons why brands make a killing during the summer season is the sales. Discounts are one of the most convincing arguments for consumers, but to get the most out of them, they must be accompanied by a solid summer online marketing campaign. To avoid being caught without resources, preparation is key. Have a well-planned promotion strategy and, if your website includes an e-commerce site, don’t forget to prepare for traffic peaks to prevent the site from crashing.
Take advantage of the virality of vacations . What are social networks for, if not to brag about where you are going on vacation? We love to comment on our favorite plans and destinations, so this is a fantastic excuse for users to interact with your brand. Something as simple as having them position themselves in the dilemma “beach or mountain?” can be a good excuse to start the conversation.

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