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Google has confirmed that page

Which is actually a different term. Page speed is described as load time or time to first byte. A faster page speed helps with page rankings and better conversions. A faster page speed is preferable! and faster pages have been proven to rank and convert better.

Top SEO Tactics: Page Speed

 Slow-loading pages are accessible by fewer phone number lead crawlers! and therefore fewer pages can be indexed. Page speed is also important for site users. Slower loading times negatively impact conversion rates and site performance. Search engines measure time to first byte when considering page speed.

A slower page speed means less crawling and negative website indexing. Ultimately! page speed is a factor in user experience. Longer load and wait times equate to higher bounce rates because longer page load times have been shown to negatively impact conversions.

Site compression

Use Gzip! the data compression software phone mumber taiwan program! to reduce the size of your existing CSS! HTML! and JavaScript files that may be larger than 150 bytes. Gzip isn’t useful for image files. Instead! compress these files using a program like Photoshop! which will allow you to maintain quality control over your images.

Minify CSS! JavaScript! and HTML

Optimizing your code can significantly increase desktop handle customer conersations seamlessly the speed of your current page. It also eliminates code responses! formatting! and stray code. Google suggests applying YUI Compressor for both CSS and JavaScript.

Reduce redirects

Redirects slow down performance. If the mobile site’s redirect pattern is coded like this

Each time a page redirects to another web page! the current website visitor faces a longer wait for the HTTP request-response process to complete. The two additional redirects cause pages to load more slowly each time. These redirects negatively impact the user experience.


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