Your content doesn’t make money
because you’re trying to make money with your content.
(Reading tip: Earn money by writing )
Why is that?
Imagine you are in the pedestrian zone handing out flyers.
and this flyer says:
“Please buy my new wedding suit!”
How many people do you think will buy?
The probability is zero
I was recently in Duisburg city centre, and there was another stand from the Johanniters.
They always sell their appeals for donations and want people to:
Leave your account number there
Commit to country email list donating monthly
And then I talked to the seller there and he said:
“Wow, Duisburg, really tough place.
We’ve been standing here for two days and haven’t gotten anything done.
Not a single donation”
It wasn’t my job to lecture him, but if it were up to me, I would do it the other way around.
I wouldn’t try to why does the world love wordpress? sell directly on site in the city center and get people to donate.
( 17 Content b2c lead Marketing Techniques )
How would I do it?