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How to Import CSV Telemarketing Lists to Your Call Center

One of the main problems for call center managers is importing telemarketing lists into a new call center management system. It is very likely that you will encounter various import error messages when uploading a CSV file. We know the difficulties users have with Excel, which is why japan phone number library we have made the import process easier for our customers. In this article, we will tell you what our magic solution is, but first we will give you some very easy tips to be aware of the most common mistakes that are made when manipulating an Excel spreadsheet.

When purchasing telemarketing lists, especially low-quality ones, you may come across incorrectly formatted CSV files. Those who purchase them, if they are not familiar with Excel, do not review them and insert the file into the management system thinking they are call center support: what’s the best method? doing a good job. Error messages accumulate and there is a tendency to hold the chosen software responsible. Explaining how to manipulate a .csv file is not easy in a work environment where there are several people who deal with importing lists with more or less computer skills.

The first step to truly solve the CSV import error is to clearly understand the computer mechanism.

Here are the main CSV import problems:

File size

One of the most common CSV import errors concerns the size of the file , if it is very large there may be loading problems. If there are too many fields or records, too many columns or too many rows, the file becomes heavy. Each program sets size limits in kb or mb. Whether it is the profile photo on Facebook or the insertion of a file on any software, it is necessary to respect those “measurements” an d size limits. The import error, therefore, can be caused because you have not respected the limits set by the program on the file size. If the import is not successful, a good call center software will warn you of the problem and you will have to divide the file into smaller files that will allow it to load correctly or compress it.


Match is one of the most used functions in Excel. Another belgium numbers import error that occurs when loading a CSV file is related to matching. It could be columns that do not match the expected field names or field names that do not match the rows or simply the complete absence of column names. A practical example in the world of call centers concerns the fields name, surname, zip code, city present in telemarketing lists. In CRM4, through OCC rules, it is possible to filter in a very detailed way all the fields of a .csv file in order to create very precise campaigns and call only customers who match certain requirements. Let’s say you want to call only people in a certain zip code, this action can only be possible with the presence of a well-formatted .csv file.

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