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How to write the best copy in digital marketing


In digital marketing , as in more traditional advertising, there are two ingredients. How to write the without which it is almost impossible to achieve results: good design and good copy. Writing attractive and convincing texts for the Internet is a lot of art, but also a lot of science. With these 10 tricks, there will be no digital copy that you can’t resist!

How to write the best digital marketing copy

10 tips for writing good digital copy

1) Get organized before you start
This is where the scientific part I was referring to earlier begins: to write good digital copy, you have to know what you have to say and how you want to say it. Think about the different parts of the campaign and what elements you need for each of them. Analyze the benefits of the product and order them in a way that makes sense to the reader. And above all, make sure you answer this question: what do I want to achieve with this text?


2) Connect with the reader
The more human your texts sound, the easier it will be for you to break through the barrier of screens list of equatorial guinea consumer email and truly connect with your target audience.

Good copy is one that attracts users through personal content with emotional value . Giving your texts a personal touch (for example, talking about the people behind the brand) will help you gain readers’ trust.

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3) Be visual

Sometimes all the words in the world fall short and what the user needs is to see something with  9 ways to repurpose old marketing content their own eyes . Don’t be afraid to show it to them with a photo in the right place.


4) Tell a story
Storytelling is one of the marketers’ favourite resources. We love to hear other people’s stories that we can relate to, so take advantage of this to introduce the moral you are looking for: your product is the solution!

Generally, a story should have at least the following points to be effective:

Introduction: Show the problem. The protagonist of your story was living betting email list happily until suddenly, something terrible happened…
Conflict : What will happen if our hero is not able to solve the problem in time?
Dialogue: It is not always easy to introduce dialogue into marketing texts, but humans love to see people talking, so it is a very interesting resource to take into account.
Solution: Finally, your product appears to solve the protagonist’s problems.

5) Get off the pedestal
On the Internet, one-on-one conversations and closeness between users predominate , so digital copy should not be the exception. A very effective resource is emails and posts signed by the company’s CEO, in which he addresses customers directly to communicate news about the brand.

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