contact name: Kenji Kimura “Executive Vice President of Sony Corporation and Officer in Charge of Intellectual Property
contact job function details: motion picture production
contact job function: the B2B Soluti” executive sony corporation in charge intellectual property information systems the b2b soluti vp New York New York United States 10022 SuperMedia LLC 1946 Park Ridge 7656 New Jersey United States 104 English consumer electronics “highdefinition broadcast television
contact job title: Information Systems
contact job seniority: event videography
contact person city: eng
contact person state: efp
contact person country: digital cinematography
contact person zip code: digital cinema
business name: videoconferencing
business domain: medical
business facebook URL: visual imaging
business linkedin: digital signage
business twitter: remote system diagnostics & monitoring
business website: ip surveillance & security
business angellist: consumer electronics” “akamai
business found year: csc_corporate_domains
business city: mimecast
business zip code: outlook
business state: office_365
business country: amazon_ses
business language: adobe_media_optimizer
business employee: rackspace_mailgun
business category: facebook_comments
business specialty: scene7
business technology: doubleclick_conversion
business description: google_play
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