Ken Robinson in his T talks from 2006 and 2010, gives us a clue: yes we can teach to be creative; To do this, teachers and students must understand that intelligence is dynamic, talent is very diverse, and that we must overcome the fear of error. Of course, this new vision requires us to “disenchant ourselves” with what we take for grant, to get rid of those ideas that hypnotize our mind. And artists can help us in that, they are a great example. That the advice comes from an artist should not surprise us, since art comes first in innovation: artists usually envision the future bas on their permeability, their flexibility in the face of new conditions, their refin sensitivity that does not resist chaos and that He appreciates it as an opportunity.
I Would Be Like Resounding
As Erik Wahl points out in his Unthink: Riscover Your Creative Genius: “Creativity does not reside in a special person. Not in a special place either. It is everywhere and in every person who has the courage to take advantage of their maximum b2b email list potential.” It’s just a matter of taking risks; It is in our genes, so let us remember that aesthetic enjoyment makes us human. Note: Erik Wahl will participate as an exhibitor with his presentation “The Art of Vision” at the “World Business Forum” event, which is brought exclusively to our students thanks to Laureate International Universities.
Bronze or a Ringing
October arrives and like every year, with the first advertisements anticipating Christmas (at this rate they will soon start the campaign in July…), those of us who participate TH Lists in certain organizational and business decisions also begin to peer into the horizon, trying to recognize some external signs. that allow us to begin the strategic planning process for the next 12 months. In strategy there are some unspoken rules, some basic principles, that are important to know to increase the chances of success of our objectives.