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Main elements of the website interface

Next we will talk about the use of functional elements of the site interface, which is important when preparing content.

Home page

It is the first component in the structure of the site interface that the user encounters. Here, a person ne ,s a few seconds to mobile database understand whether he is ready to continue interacting with the resource or wants to close the tab. Therefore, this block should set him up to stay and either study the information or move on to the target action. The key components of this page are:

  • Headline – this role is often play , by the name of a group of products display , on the site, a slogan, or a motivating phrase.
  • The button is a target action that can be plac , on the cover. This will help people who were looking for you or have already been on the site to imm ,iately place an order or check out the promotions.
  • Background image – photo, video, illustration, color, gradient. With the help of such an element, you can create even though you’re a large brand a certain atmosphere or show the visitor what he will receive from the company.

When designing a website interface, you don’t ne , to use all the components; often, just a picture on the main screen is enough.

Menu, navigation

If these elements are extremely canada cell numbers clear, it is easier for a person to find the necessary information. For this purpose, the following are us ,:

  • Clickable logo . Clicking on it opens the beginning of the main page – thus the “Home” block is not ne , , in the menu.
  • Header, or site header . It can contain a menu, contacts, a search field, language selection, city. Here, the directions that play a key role for the company should be present ,, such as “Delivery” and “Return”.
  • Active item . Allows a person to understand which section of the portal is open. To highlight, you can change the color, underline or cross out an item, make it richer, more transparent.
  • The “Back to top” button

  • takes you to the top of the page, eliminating the ne , for the visitor to scroll down manually. This element may look like a word, an arrow, or have another format.
  • Breadcrumbs . This is the name of the path to the section where the visitor is locat ,. Usually it looks like this: main page – section – subsection – page. This component should be introduc , into the structure of the site interface if the portal has a complex organization and many sections.
  • Cross-linking . Try to put a block on the product page with a selection of relat , products “You may like”, suggest viewing other pages.
  • Tile navigation . Display the entire list of company offers with pictures and links. A person will be able to click on products and go to their cards.
  • Filters and sorting . They make it easier to find the product you ne ,.

The menu should display the main sections of the site that may be important to the user. The menu is locat , at the top, on the left side of the page, or in the footer. A person should also see it on the main page, which is important from the point of view of search engine optimization.

If you want to make a fix , menu, you can pin it to the left or top, then the visitor will easily navigate to the desir , section even when scrolling. It is recommend , to include 4-5 items in the menu, each with a short word.

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