Discount value, such as percentage off, dollar amount sav, or free shipping.
Additional option details, like a limit for how often the code can be us, how often it can be us per customer and a date range for the code to be valid.
code is active and will work in your Bold Checkout.
How to add dynamic pricing to my WooCommerce checkout?
Dynamic pricing means selling the same product at different price points to different groups of customers. This can include simple use cases such as employee telegram data pricing for products or seasonal sales as well as much more complex scenarios with B2B wholesale pricing for customer segments bas on negotiat contracts.
Bold Checkout can easily
accommodate dynamic pricing in a WooCommerce checkout. 7 best and profitable cryptos to mine Once enabl, it ensures the right price is serv to a logg in customer. Here’s how to implement it:
1) Enable Price Rules: To do this, start by installing Bold’s agent email list Price Rules Engine in the Bold Checkout App. (For a detail walkthrough, visit this guide.)