Home » The 5 event trends you can expect in 2024

The 5 event trends you can expect in 2024


The The 5 event  return to physical meetings is happening faster and with a larger volume than I expect. Here and there, an arrow sticker that has not been remov from buildings is a reminder of the mandatory walking routes through buildings during the lockdown. A period that still has an impact on the industry. Because the multitude of events does not only create a luxury problem with, for example, locations that are almost completely book for a longer period of time.

Due to the long lockdown and the ban on events within it, 16,000 event professionals and 17,000 self-employ people became unemploy . Many were forc to switch to another industry. Such as technicians, who largely mov to construction and installation technology. But without the technology, no image, sound and other essential components of an event. The same applies to things like catering and production.

In the past month, in preparation for this article, I spoke with 20 event organizers. In general, the catch-up after corona has been made. Companies have organiz all their ‘mandatory’ events and many organizations are also financially healthy again. Professionals are optimistic about the sector and new opportunities ensure that the challenges are counter.

For years I have been allow to prict the event trends on Frankwatching and when I look back on those of the past year , I regret not having plac any bets on them. All trends have not only come true, they have also provid the breing ground for the trends that I foresee in the coming year.

Battle of mother agenda

That starts with the constant ‘battle of mother agenda’. I notice this for example in an ecosystem where I not only organize events myself, but also speak: web3 (everything around cryptocurrencies, blockchain, NFTs, metaverse). Compar to the year before corona broke out, the number of events has not doubl, but rather tripl. Try to get in there as a new event. Let alone, try to fill the same room as an existing event. The competition is cutthroat and this is something I really see in many industries.

But this is combin with a challenge that is list of romania consumer email becoming increasingly greater in our society according to the Social Cultural Planning Office . The hectic nature of society. Always on, constantly overwhelm by the amount of work that does not decrease and the increasing number of obligations in the private sphere that ensure that working Dutch people can hardly keep all their balls in the air.

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That priction by experts in the 1960s that borom


would be the biggest problem of the 21st century the best christmas commercial of 2023, according to the brain has not come true at all. On the contrary.

The brain spa
That the other priction I made: the ‘brain spa’, alb directory has also become popular at many events, seems to me no more than very logical. Instead of being completely on all day, it is nice to sometimes also recover in a Fatboy and give the eyes and brain a rest.

This past year, we as a world have also been introduc to generative AI at a rapid pace. My other two prictions tie in nicely with that; the strong importance.

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