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Make your B2B customer the hero in your story & become ‘The One’

Make your B2B customer the hero in your story & become ‘The One’
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Many B2B marketers imagine themselves in a kind of Matrix: B2B marketing is set up for 100% rational buyers, but in reality, such customers do not exist. How can you use storytelling to ensure that you set up your B2B marketing differently? With the goal: to become ‘The One’ for your B2B customers, just like Neo is for Zion in the Matrix.

In our first article in this series, we exposed the pain points in B2B marketing and made the case for customer-centric, creative marketing. In this second article, we’ll dive deeper into that.

The Matrix is ​​more inspirational because the story is gripping


aptivating, which is why the film has built a large fan base. Stories are also the key to B2B marketing today: customer-focused and creative.

Stories have been used to pass on knowledge since the first humans. The first stories were probably told by the Neanderthals and the first homo sapiens. In this time, fire brought people together. Stories were also told to each other here. Other successful applications of stories can be found in the various religions and of course Greek and Norse mythology.

The stories we tell each other have evolved over the course of history. From short lessons and proverbs to fairy tales and stories full of cliffhangers and plot twists. Stories also play a major role in marketing, although in B2B marketing this could be a bit bigger . This is the way to reach customers.

But what makes a good story? What are the list of palestine consumer email ingredients and how do you add them to your marketing soup? In the video below we explain what you can expect in this article.

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The power of a story

There is a good reason why stories play such a reach generation z with social selling: 5 focus points big role in our history. When we listen to stories, we pay more attention and remember the information better. There is a clear difference in our brain activity when watching a narrative film and america email list when watching unstructured fragments.

Research also gives us great insights into the effect of stories. Gordon Bower and Michael Clark conducted research into the best way to remember information . Two different groups were given a list of ten words. Group 1 was asked to remember the words. Group 2, on the other hand, was asked to make a story out of the same ten words. It didn’t even have to be a logical story.

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