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The power of stories in 2024: these are the 5 storytelling trends

he new year The power has been heralded with many bells, whistles and nice lists. Each list pays ample attention to the far-reaching developments in generative AI and how we as communication professionals should or should not embrace and integrate this into our work. When we look at the developments in the field of visual storytelling, we cannot ignore AI. But what other leading trends are making their entrance in this new year? Below you will find five visual storytelling trends that you cannot ignore this year.

1. Storytelling for relaxation and entertainment

The world around us is changing at a rapid pace. There is a lot going on. Grim images trickle into our phones every day. Of course, we want to stay up to date with world news. But we are also looking for bright spots, lightness and optimism. As a brand, this is the moment to tell a visual story that brings the consumer into a relaxed state of being. This can be done by paying attention to relaxing activities, such as reading books, watching series or pottery.

We love lists of books, series and podcasts anyway. Served up in bite-sized portions and available to order with one click of a button. That’s relaxing. But it can also be done with humor, such as a strong meme that plays on current events or a short video on TikTok or Instagram that puts a smile on every face.

By the way, we shouldn’t underestimate the power and possibilities of TikTok as a storytelling medium in itself. The medium seems light-hearted and playful and it is. Partly. Because TikTok and its users (and there are many) are able to bring about major changes on both a micro and macro level. From climate change to skin care, the TikTok creators know how to use their storytelling skills perfectly to involve a large audience in the most diverse topics. Often with a wink, sometimes deadly serious. For them, the combination of entertainment and brands is therefore a piece of cake. Something we can really learn from, so let yourself be inspired.

But for real. Think about your favorite series. Whether it’s Suits or Dertigers, visual stories will increasingly run parallel to our real lives. How? Stories will never stop or fade away, but will continue netherlands email List 6 million contact leads in real time 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This means that if you tune in to Dertigers in


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The middle of the night you will actually see


Noor tossing and turning in bed. Or you will see Mike from choosing a marketing agency? ask these 15 questions Suits sitting over thick files until late at night to prepare himself as best he can for a lawsuit. During your lunch break, you might just receive a notification from your favorite story world, in which you see that the main character is about to give birth.

It may sound crazy and very futuristic, but to a certain extent agb directory this is already happening on social media. For example, Don Draper from Mad Men has been on X for years and regularly manages to amuse his 18,000 followers with his brainwaves. And of course the arrival and possibilities of generative AI play a major role. For example, you can already

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