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The telecommunications sector and call centers in Italy

The world of TLC, in 2016, experienced a year of great excitement. Let’s remember the most significant events that give an idea of ​​the scope of the innovations. The Wind Tre merger gave birth to the first mobile operator in terms of number of customers. Our cities are increasingly covered by broadband and it is not difficult to find the Open Fiber logo around hungary phone number library Italy. In fact, Enel Open Fibercome, better known by the name Open Fiber, has entered the market. In the area that interests us most, that of contact centers, we have witnessed the merger of. Visiant and Contacta into Covisian and the integration of Infocontact into Abramo and Comdata, but we cannot forget also situations of significant corporate crises.

The Asstel 2017 report

It is important to analyze the data to understand the direction in which the. TLC sector and the outsourced contact center sector are going. The AssTel 2017 report is a valid tool to understand what is happening in . Italy and the number of contracts and appointments of individuals beyond. In 2016, the outsourced contact center market grew by +2/+4% to around 2 billion euros . TLC operators have maintained a fundamental and constant weight in the call center landscape over the last three years, accounting for 40% of total revenues. The TLC sector in Italy is growing.  Fixed lines are recording a decline in telephone traffic, but data traffic from fixed lines is increasing, recording a +40% according to Agcom, while from mobile lines there is a +46%. TLCs must offer conditions that increasingly take data traffic into account and the expansion of broadband is helping to incentivize this type of solution.

. Costs are increasing more than revenues due to the increase in the switzerland leads cost of Italian personnel and a lower use of social safety nets. We are well aware of the phenomenon of company delocalization and this is one of the reasons that lead Italian TLC companies to open contact centers abroad, at the expense, however, of the quality of the service offered.

Why Invest in Call Center Software

In 2016, however, investment growth continues, which is +4%. Investments are mainly in hardware and software that increase workforce productivity and improve customer experience. Relying on a good CRM is a good investment: putting operators. Tam leaders, administrators, agents in optimal conditions means. Closing more contracts and ensuring the success of your contact center outsourcing business. For this type of call center, mandates from large TLCs are precious and it is mandatory to equip yourself with software that guarantees the possibility of high-precision reporting, quality predictive and VoIP, smooth appointment management, filters that allow you to easily manage campaigns, etc. etc.

Investing is the key to a long-lasting business that takes into account costs, but also revenues that are sharply increasing. By achieving a balance between costs and revenues, margins can be considered positive. Furthermore, digital skills are increasingly in demand. Crm4, for example, has focused on the creation of a cloud platform. A set of factors and services contribute to increasing the turnover of the TLC sector, but also the GDP.

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