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This is a search field with a suggestion function attached


Last December, Eurostat, the statistics office of the European Union, This is a search published a series of data on the use of digital advertising in Spanish companies during 2016. This study reveals that almost half (44%) of Spanish companies advertise on social networks , a figure very similar to the EU average.

Social media ads are effective because today’s potential audience is on these platforms, such as  faroe islands email list 100000 contact leads Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, Snapchat or instant messaging, among others.

To better understand the situation of the sector in which we operate, today I would like to share with you some of its results.

44% of Spanish companies advertise on social networks


The use of digital advertising in Spain and Europe
In addition to social media advertising, Eurostat has analysed the use of different digital media in European companies’ marketing. Let’s see what the results have been.

Firstly, the study has considered the use of websites by companies. Without a doubt, having your chief growth officer: the new head of marketing own website is the essential basis of any digital marketing strategy, so it is surprising that many companies still do not have one. In Spain, 3 out of 4 companies have their own website, a percentage slightly lower than the European average, which is 77%.

Secondly, in terms of popularity, we have the aforementioned aleart news  social networks, used by 44% of Spanish companies and 45% of European ones. The European country with the most social companies is Malta, since up to 71% of businesses use advertising on social networks. Ireland is in second place with 66% and Holland in third with 65%. At the other end of the spectrum we find Poland, since there only one in four companies has a corporate profile on the networks.


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Advertising on Social Networks”

Thirdly, Eurostat has analysed the use of internet advertising.


The title – grab attention


The title is like the head of the human body: the first thing you see and the focal point around which everything revolves. On a landing page, the title acts as the headline, conveying the essence of your message at a glance. It should not only be informative, but also arouse curiosity, so that visitors want to read on.

It is crucial that your title matches the user’s expectations and lets them immediately understand what to expect.


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