According to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), there are now more than 1.5 billion students worldwide who are currently unable to attend school. This figure is equivalent to 91% of all students in a total of 188 countries.
Online education: the educational model of the future
Education in our time is no longer carried out within four walls, but rather using technology completely independent of time and space, allowing the student to always sit in the front row and have the teacher’s full attention .In this context, online education has emerged, which uganda phone number data uses technologies for the teaching nteracts with peers and teachers generally asynchronously.
Synchronous communication is also used online, but to a lesser extent, and sessions are generally recorded for later reference.
Components of cultural change in education
Online learning requires discipline
In this modality, the student is the one who completely manages his time and must necessarily create a study habit to be successful. That reality is going to favor certain types of students over how to do lead generation on the phone those who are trying to navigate their own schedule.
Benefits of online education
Even though distance education involves a high level uab directory of responsibility, dedication and attention, it is an excellent alternative for academic training.
Among its main advantages we can find:Flexibility : Students have access to education, even those