UX, or user experience, includes the behavior, attitude, and emotions of a person that he or she experiences while using a product, system, or service. UX also includes the perception of a system as useful, easy to use, and effective. This indicator is deeply subjective, since it involves individual perception and evaluation.
UX is a fluid concept as its parameters change with systems, circumstances, technologies, etc.
Before starting to develop UX, it is important to select the main audience and form an image of the target user, a set of his shop qualities. Bas , on the available information, you can introduce special requirements for the project. Namely: it is necessary to prepare the information architecture of the site interface and the hierarchy of the content, which allows you to simplify the work on the prototype.
The next step in creating a website interface is to choose a suitable prototyping method. On the one hand, it should be cost-effective, and on the other, effective, since the resource owner will ne , to collect fe ,back in a convenient form.
Prototypes can be :
- horizontal – here a significant list of options is provid , with little functionality;
- vertical – deep jason: what i found very fascinating performance is combin , with a limit , range of actions;
- T-prototypes – most of the design is done at a superficial level, but some functions are implement , more seriously;
- local – us , when it is necessary to create an alternative design for a known interaction model.
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Once the prototype type is select ,, iteration begins. This process largely depends on what is being work , on: software, a service, or an industrial design project.
It is often difficult to separate canada cell numbers UI from UX, as these phenomena are closely relat , to each other. And the website interface often becomes a component of the user experience. However, it is important to understand that UX can exist in the absence of a user interface.