Because if it is more the product expensive, it also has greater benefits.
You can also offer more service, more quality, more support, and therefore it is even easier to sell.
Therefore, you must first decide for yourself purely mathematically.
Does it even have a chance of bringing in €10,000 a month?
And if so, what is the mathematics behind it?
Just write it down.
Yes if you say for the product example
“Hey, I have a coaching session that costs €1000, and I sell three of them a month.”
Then I have to sell another course for 250 €, of which I have to sell 30.
Yes, and with that I have 7,500 and here the 3,000, then I get my 10,500 € a month.
You should write this down for yourself first so that you have a realistic picture of what you have to do and what your product can do.
Because for many people it turns out that they have to sell 20 coaching sessions a month, for example, because they have a very cheap coaching session that only costs €500 in total.
Yes, not just one hour, but the entire lifetime.
Yes, imagine that one hour costs you €50, you do 10 hours, which is €500, and then you have to sell that 20 times a month.
And above all, you phone number list have to deliver that.
This means you have to serve 20 customers every month.
Mathematically speaking, this is virtually impossible for you as a one-man show.
Therefore, develop a product, a concept, a product ladder that has what it takes to bring you €10,000, and then implement it accordingly.
That means that most of the time it’s one to one up here, that’s the most expensive.
Then you have one to the product ten it’s like group coaching
Then you have self-study courses here.
At the very bottom you have something like eBooks.
Yes, and just put that together.
Then of course you create the products accordingly, and then you sell them from priority here to there.
So one to one you sell first.
Then one to what is opensea? popular nft marketplace many.
Then courses.
Only at the end do you sell the eBooks.
So you start b2c lead selling what brings in the most money and then you sell it down.
(Reading tip: 17 Content Marketing Techniques )
#2 The sale
To sell you need two things.
You need emails, newsletters that you send out to people, and they send people to a sales page.