Personal Brand and Social Media articles on

You have come to this blog and you don’t know which are the most interesting articles of 2020? Don’t worry, here are the best Digital Marketing, Personal Branding and Social Media articles on the blog in 2020. Personal Brand to speed up that search on this website. Like every year, I like to start the year by analyzing the contents of my blog from the previous year, I think it is a good way to see what has worked and what has not. Furthermore, it is an exercise that I recommend to all of you who have blogs. Measuring our work is key to knowing.

what we can write about

Therefore, this is the first post of the year, where I see what type of content has worked best and thus have clear ideas about what to write this year company data on the blog. But before showing the featured articles, I will summarize my previous professional year, it is also a useful exercise and one that we should all do. Well 2020 has been a year that needs no introductions for anyone. I think. So my summary will be very short hahaha. Since March, those of us who are dedicated to giving conferences and classes have been practically unemployed, so there is not much to tell.

But to take the positive Personal Brand

From the year and this pandemic, I can say that: I have taken advantage of these months to study. My professional projects and focus only on what I really like and TH Lists give me a real financial return. I spent months testing and testing with Google Adsense and I have discovered. Very cool things that I will tell you about in some guides this year.

I have worked fewer hours and days  one of my great objectives with this project. I took advantage of the confinement to update my classes with. New content and the results have been BRUTAL, the feedback from the students has been very good. I have spent less time on social networks and I dedicated that time to. Training in topics that help me better monetize my knowledge, and the results are very good.

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