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Many libraries offer Zoom-bas classes that teach the basics of using computers. For instance, Indianapolis Public Library has monthly lessons on digital privacy and computing fundamentals. Hammond Public Library has similar classes, but they’re more frequent. It also hosts tutorials on using popular software like Google Docs and PowerPoint. Section IC 21-14-5 of the 2020 Indiana Code waives 50 percent of the tuition cost for residents ag 65 or over who want to attend university. This isn’t the most generous discount around, but it’s certainly better than nothing. Iowa There aren’t any state-specific cybersecurity resources or programs in Iowa.

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So if you’re looking for free computer lessons or cyber-awareness training, your best bet is to get in touch with your local library. The exact classes that are on offer will differ from one branch to another, but Sioux Center Public library offers in-person classes. In fact, it even offers a separate class for Spanish speakers. Others, like Kirkendall Lebanon Phone Number List Public Library and Waterloo Public Library, only offer virtual classes, and may require you to have a library card or to book an appointment ahead of time. State legislature doesn’t require higher ucation institutions to provide any kind of discount for seniors, but some do anyway. For instance, Simpson College lets those ag 65+ take non-crit classes tuition-free. In other words, it’s a good idea to contact your preferr college’s admissions board and see if there’s any support available to you.

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Kansas The Kansas Information Security Office has a few links to websites that offer advice on cybersecurity issues. However, you should note that this site is only accessible within the US and that some of these links have since expir. That said, the content from OnGuardOnline and Safety Detectives is still available. The Safety Detectives TH Lists post is especially useful since it’s design for seniors and covers everything from romance scams to using social networks safely. Perhaps more interestingly, there’s also an interactive security awareness quiz you can take to test your understanding of common online threats.

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