The Vermont State College System allows residents ag 65+ to audit one course per semester tuition-free. You are still liable for additional fees, but this waiver drastically ruces the cost of higher learning. Virginia The Virginia State Bar has publish a handbook design to help seniors, and this spends a couple of pages talking about email scams and identity theft. This information is available in English and Spanish, and is updat every year. Virginia IT Agency offers a monthly security tips newsletter and a guide to online protection that addresses topics like phishing and recognizing the signs of a malware infection. This isn’t the most thorough information out there, but it’s certainly a decent starting point. We recommend reaching out to nearby libraries to see if they have any computer classes.
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This is more common than you might think, although you may have to study online instead of attending in-person. For instance, all Handley Regional libraries allow you to sign in with your library card and access LearningExpress classes for free. Samuels Public Library uses Universal Class instead, and Loudoun County Public Libraries Sri-Lanka Phone Number List use Lynda, but these services all work in the same way. Virginia Code 23.1-640 gives you the right to attend up to three college classes per semester for free. The only costs you’ll have to pay are for materials (lab fees, cost of requir textbooks, and so on). Washington As with most other states, Washington’s Attorney General has a scam alert page.
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However, it also offers a short blog post titl “Internet Safety for Seniors” that provides ways to tell if you’re being scamm, and explains a few of the more common types of online fraud. We’d have lik to see it go a bit more in-depth, but any resources are a plus. Once again, the library is your best bet for free tuition. Many branches will have some form TH Lists of computer class, and they’re all different, so it’s best to ask around. Washington Centerville Public Library only holds in-person classes, for instance, whereas Pierce County library allows you to sign in with your library card and begin making your way through Lynda and Universal Class lessons right away.