In some cases, organizations may be able to restore lost data using backups, but in many cases, they are forc to either pay extortionate ransom demands or make the costly decision to rebuild their systems from scratch. So, what is the true cost of these ransomware attacks across government agencies in the US, how has the ransomware threat chang over the last five years, and what has happen so far in 2022? To find out, our team gather information on ransomware attacks that affect government organizations since 2018. The majority of these attacks are aim at stopping processes, interrupting services, and causing disruption, not stealing data.
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Therefore, to gauge the impact, we’ve look at the population of the town, city, or state affect to see how many people could have been impact by these disruptions. Our team sift through several different Dominican Republic WhatsApp Number List resources—specialist IT news, data breach reports, and government websites—to collate as much data as possible on ransomware attacks on US government providers. We then appli data from studies on the cost of downtime to estimate a range for the likely cost of ransomware attacks to government organizations. Due to the limitations with uncovering these types of breaches, we believe the figures only scratch the surface of the problem.
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Key findings from 2018 to October 2022 330 individual ransomware attacks on government organizations–2019 saw the highest number, accounting for nearly 39 percent (202,376) of the total Just over 230 million individuals may have been impact by these attacks (through services being unavailable, for example)–2019 account for around million in payments from 27 of these 72 cases–however, entities are more likely to disclose that they haven’t paid the ransom than if they have Downtime vari from minimal disruption (thanks to frequent data backups) to five months (152 days) as not by the City of New Bford in 2019 On average, government TH Lists organizations lost 17 days to downtime, varying from six days in 2022 to over 20 days in 2018 Bas on the average downtime per year, government organizations lost an estimat 5,642 days to downtime.