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Them specifically. Online. Thanks to this tool we know when brands are mention and why. In what way and with what tone. Allowing them to anticipate a potential Path at Loreal Continu Recently reputation crisis. Through previously implement solutions. Analytics you can also understand the quality of the mentions receiv by monitoring their miv®. To learn more about this topic. Click here. Recommend kpi: number of brand mentions on social mia. 7. Website visits generat by social channels while social mia posts show us a snapshot of user interaction and mentions. It’s crucial to also pay

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Indicator of the relationship between brands themselves and their followers. Recommend kpi: community engagement bas on likes. Shares. Comments. Retweets. Saves. Etc. 6. Brand mention sui social mia a good social mia reputation is important. But it’s not always possible. Many brands have suffer a reputation crisis due to even a single social mia post. With just one tweet. For example. Kylie jenner sent snapchat shares down 6%. Wiping $1.3 billion off the company’s market business lead value . Our online monitoring tool lets brands know what is being said about

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Who will see the post. Furthermore. Followers of an account’s followers will be able to see if anyone has interact or interacts with the post. Thus making it visible to an even greater number of potential customers. It should also be kept in mind that it is not only important for the community to participate. But also for the brand to respond quickly to all interactions. In order to keep follower engagement alive and active. Facebook has recently taken this aspect into account by including a function TH Lists  capable of measuring response times on brand pages; a key

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