But how to give life to advertising activities on Instagram

Instagram can become a very valid platform to develop Digital Marketing strategies , if used correctly. That’s why we at L’Eco della Stampa have decided to create a guide to Instagram Ads , to allow brands to fully grasp the potential of advertising on social media. Sharing posts, stories and Not only that, through Instagram it will be possible to strengthen the brand reputation. Both at a B2C and B2B level.

Instagram can count on a

Pool of over 1.4 billion users, a huge advertising potential for Social Media Marketing activities. Companies can use the platform to spread their brand reputation and give visibility to services and products , retaining their customers and acquiring new ones. Marketing teams can reach their community in many ways, such as Belgium Phone Number List through organic campaigns that focus on engaging content. Or through advertisements that will be directed only to potentially interested users, thanks to a guide to Instagram Ads to learn how to use them correctly.

In this regard, organic campaigns are ideal for strengthening brand reputation . Capable of communicating in the right way. Not least by producing really interesting and stimulating content for the community. Which is not at all obvious. Also, Instagram doesn’t allow you to add clickable links to organic posts and stories; and this is a roadblock for content marketing. This does not mean that Instagram is not suitable for conveying user traffic to brands, in fact the link in bio or the support of tools such as linktree or linkin.bio can often be enough.

The benefits of an Instagram Ads guide

phone number list

However, it is true that advertisements allow you to TH Lists interact with a specific audience , interested in a particular product or service, and who have already searched for a similar one on the internet. A guide to Instagram Ads can help brands improve their brand reputation, understand how to involve their audience through the use of digital advertising campaigns . L’Eco della Stampa is always ready to help the pr and marketing teams, offering services and consultancy to improve its image, online and offline.

The contents of digital advertising campaigns must be created as organic contents, to disseminate an identity consistent with that of the brand. But, unlike the latter, they can include sponsored tags, clickable links or a call to action . Instragram Ads refer to company sites. E-commerce or platforms where it is possible to purchase products and services offered by the brand.

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