Tainan Attractions Eighteen Levels

Hell and Roller Slide Parent-Child Paradise | Tainan Attractions
Release time of author Luka : 2019-01-15Last updated 2024-02-27 1.9K views

Tainan Daitianfu, the scariest tourist attraction in Tainan has a 100% frightening factor. I have been here before, but I didn’t bring a camera to take pictures, so I won’t introduce it specifically. This time when I went camping in the south, I stopped by Daitianfu in Tainan. , I heard that in addition to the Eighteen Levels of Hell, there are also new facilities such as roller slides. Now let’s follow the traveler to Daitianfu.

The temple building is grand in scale

Including the country’s first three-dimensional door god carved from camphor wood, exquisite cochin-burning and shearing techniques, and paintings by award-winning masters. All are fine works by famous artists and are worth savoring. The Guanyin Chile Phone Number List Hall on the south side imitates the pattern of the Temple of Heaven. The hall is 32 meters high. On the outer wall are eighty-four lifelike reliefs of Guanyin Bodhisattva rescuing people in distress. Inside the hall is a statue of Guanyin, the original seat of the “Reluctant to Go to Guanyin Temple” in Putuo Mountain, Zhejiang Province, mainland China. Icon of Tuas. Attached to the temple corridor is the “Tai Sui Hall”, which enshrines ” Taiwan’s first ” Yuanming Dao Lao Yuanjun and the sixty-year-old Tai Sui Xingjun, who are divided into Guanchen Hall in Baiyun, Beijing, China .


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It’s full of darkness

If you are walking with children, please be careful. It basically introduces what kind of punishment you will receive in hell if you do bad China Phone Number List things in the world. There are all kinds of punishments~ It’s really scary~! It was too dark inside so I didn’t take photos of them all. Come and experience the eighteenth level of hell for yourself!! After walking through the eighteen levels of hell, there is still heaven. You still have to pay once before you can go to heaven!! There is nothing special about the tourist cafe. Go up and leave.

Tainan Daitianfu

You can see the entire dragon body when you walk up to the viewing platform.

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