There are two main scientific hypotheses of the understanding of the essence and causes of the aging of multicellular organisms (metazoans)—“initial imperfection” and the existence of an “aging program.” Research in these areas is ongoing. All attempts to explain the phenomenon of aging bas on the postulate of “deterioration” as a consequence of “primordial imperfection,” face the ne to find one main link that could stop the aging processes. Today, the role of such a link is claim by the “inability” of the cell itself to fully restore damage to its genome with aging. This conclusion follows from experimental data (Gorbunova et al., 2007). An increase in non-repairable damage of cellular.
Damage Caus By Oxidative Stress And As Such
DNA in senescent cells, compar to young cells, allows one rise to the conclusion that this is the cause of aging. However here the cause of the phenomenon perhaps replac by the consequence since “after that” does not always mean “cause of that.” A second postulate—specific “aging program” for metazoans, bas on the evolutionary necessity of aging as a mechanism for changing generations, suggests the possibility to manage it, or to turn it off, which in fact, is the ultimate Honduras Email List goal (Kirkwood and Holliday, 1979; Kirkwood and Austad, 2000).However, such a program, allowing extending the lifespan several times more than on average, has not yet en descrid. Therefore, there is still no hypothesis or theory of underlying mechanism of aging that could verifi experimentally.
Health Disease And Aging The Specific Autophagic
It is possible to study deeper and deeper levels of organization of biological structures – from molecular to quantum, but following this logic of analysis it is impossible to find an answer to the main question about the root cause of aging. Functional Parts of Metazoans Genome In order to understand how the mechanisms of aging work TH Lists in metazoans, it is necessary to determine what the object we are actually studying. Naturally, such an object is the multicellularity per se.