First of all, it’s not accessible outside of the US, so you can’t check it while on vacation. Second, it doesn’t contain a ton of actionable information, and what it does have ranges from far too simple to somewhat obtuse. This may be because it’s trying to be useful for both government officials and the average citizen, but in trying to walk this line, it becomes impractical. However, the Cybersecurity Commission does contain links to nationwide cyber-awareness projects like StaySafeOnline and CISA. These are both extremely valuable websites that cover a lot of privacy-relat material in an easy-to-understand way.
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Plenty of local organizations provide free computer lessons in Louisiana. There are in-person training at the Peace Center in New Orleans, or Grand Rapids Public, Jefferson Parish, and Evangeline Parish libraries. Lafayette Public Library even offers a one-off, two-hour presentation on internet safety in case you’d like something a little Luxembourg Phone Number List more in-depth. Of course, it’s highly likely your local branch has some form of computer class too, so why not reach out and ask? Louisiana Revis Statutes §1807 says that if you live in-state and are at least 55 years old, you qualify for free tuition and a 50 percent discount on requir textbooks, manuals, and instructional aids at any public college or university. Maine Cyber Seniors is bas in Maine and offers frequent webinars covering topics including (but not limit to) password security, staying safe on Facebook, and antivirus software.
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It also has a YouTube channel with numerous recordings of these lectures, plus separate playlists of webinars design for French and Spanish speakers. The National Digital Equity Center’s Maine Digital Inclusion Initiative provides free webinars that aim to teach seniors about internet safety. If you’re a resident of Maine, these are free to TH Lists attend; there’s a $50 per year fee for out-of-state attendees but in all likelihood, you can find the same information elsewhere for free). You’ll find in-person training available at several libraries including Maine State and Portland Public.