Why Instagram And What Is Publish

Take a look at this graph (courtesy of Statista ) of the time users spend on these two networks from their different devices . content consumption graph on social networks And what does this have to do with content marketing? That Facebook and Twitter are two of the main social distribution channels for our content, how will this habit that intensifies day by day affect you? In addition to this, according to a Google study , % of users generate searches from their smartphones. The answer is a total success; Here are the variables: Instagram + Storytelling + Content Marketing extraordinary results.

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Almost out of search for content from their phones Tweet this information”]Almost out of search for content from their phonesmobile search This content is secret, until you share it on Facebook This shows that the tendency to socialize, buy France Phone Number List and read on mobile is already a daily reality. In this framework, what to do? How to optimize our content in substance and form? Of course it is still possible to have notes of considerable length, if the substance warrants it, but it is also urgent that we mix content for quick consumption, for the user on-the-go.

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Does Not Have To Do With

It took Facebook some time to realize that its future was mobile, but when it did, the company set about building a huge mobile advertising business, which is already its main source of revenue today. Nielsen data suggests that for Twitter, mobile is even more important. % of Twitter usage in the US happens on smartphones, indicating that Twitter TH Lists is becoming a mobile-only network and has to build its business accordingly Develop a clear digital plan for your organization Define your audience persona to create empathic and functional content Determine what type of content you should create.

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