More cautious but more loyal consumers

Outbrain, the leading open web recommendation platform. Has launched a new report on consumer attitudes towards spending ahead of the shopping season. For the research, Outbrain used data from the GWI Zeitgeist and surveyed more than 50,000 online consumers around the world between June 2021 and July 2022. The report reveals that, in the face of a possible economic crisis. Content related to the economy and money has become relevant for consumers . Visits to pages dealing with these issues have seen an increase of 106% between May and June 2022. The highest figure in the last two years.

Made consumers more conscious about spending

Increased economic uncertainty has also . The most cautious buyers are much more likely to research products online before making a industry email list purchase. 65.5% do so compared to 39% of other buyers. However, these consumers are more likely to be loyal to the brands they like (50% vs. 39%). Despite the financial challenges they will have to face. Consumers are optimistic about the future. 60.8% of those surveyed believe that their economic situation will improve in the next six months. “This shopping season, marketing professionals have a great opportunity to generate trust and value for their brands , but they will have to act quickly to not miss the opportunities,” says Rafael Amieva, General Manager of Outbrain Spain. 

Buyers can become the best and most loyal customers

With the right approach, occasional . By appealing to ease and low prices, professionals can connect with new consumers by offering them the TH Lists services they really want and need,” adds Steiner.”This shopping season, marketing professionals have a great opportunity to generate trust and value for their brands , but they will have to act quickly to not miss the opportunities,” says Rafael Amieva, General Manager of Outbrain Spain. «With the right approach, occasional buyers can become the best and most loyal customers. By appealing to ease and low prices, professionals can connect with new consumers by offering them the services they really want and need,” adds Steiner. For his part, Víctor Colomer, Commercial Director of Outbrain Spain, explains: «The study shows that the coming months will be absolutely crucial for brands seeking long-term growth. 

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