Some manufacturers are blurring the lines tween. These categories and offering sound enhancement and personalization of acoustic output. For persons with hearing loss using smartphone-bas earphones. With an accompanying smartphone app (Lin et al., 2022). Moreover, studies have document that people with hearing loss tend to use devices. Such as PSAPs and hearables whichConsiderations and analysis of the implementation of oncogeriatrics. In Chile and its importance: Review of current literature frontiersinMacarena Honorato1, frontiersinOscar Calderón1,2, frontiersinVerónica Rojas1, frontiersinGerardo Fasce.
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FrontiersinConstanza Bartolotti5,6 and frontiersinChristian Caglevic7 1Geriatrics Department, Clínica Alemana de Santiago, Santiago, Chile 2Geriatrics, Complejo Asistencial Dr Sótero del Río, Santiago, Chile 3Geriatrics Service, Department of Micine, Hospital Clínico Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile 4Geriatrics Service, Department Ecuador Email List of Micine. Clínica Las Condes, Santiago, Chile 5Geriatrics, Internal Micine Department, Universidad de la Frontera, Temuco, Chile 6Geriatrics, Centro Comunitario Kiműnche, Temuco, Chile 7Cancer Research Department, Instituto Oncológico Fundación Arturo López Pérez, Santiago, Chile The Chilean census of 2017 report that 11.4% of the local population are 65 years or older, and according to the National Institute of Statistics (INE) the current expectancy of life in Chile is 76 years for men and 81 years for women respectively.
To The Research Field Of Intelligent Navigation
Cancer in Chile is a major public health problem. Aging is a significant risk factor for cancer development which add to the improv life expectancy, it increases the incidence of cancer. In 2040, new cancer cases will increase from 19.3 to 30.2 million worldwide. Older people are a heterogeneous group requiring specializ and individualiz management. Chronological age does not necessarily correlate with physiological age. More than half of the geriatric patients with cancer have at least one comorbidity which is relevant when defining a cancer treatment. Likewise, polypharmacy is frequent and is an important issue to consider in people with cancer TH Lists due to the risk associat with drug interactions. Table 1 and Table 2 show the three main types of malignancies among 70 years and older population by sex.