Oncogeriatric assessment consists of a comprehensive multidimensional evaluation, including functional and biopsychosocial issues, addressing aspects of the neoplastic disease such as the risk of toxicities due to systemic therapy and life expectancy. This tool has proven to helpful in the diagnosis of conditions that are not evident in a routine oncological evaluation, such as geriatric syndromes, frailty, functional dependence, and cognitive impairment among others, which have an impact when deciding on therapy, pricting risks of treatment toxicity and mortality. In this article we aim to descri the current situation of Oncogeriatrics and to provide epidemiological information about cancer.
Sensing Results With Low
In the elderly population in Chile attempting to highlight the importance of the Oncogeriatrics units, within cancer departments, for a tter decision taking in the elderly cancer patient. Introduction Aging is a well-recogniz risk factor in carcinogenesis (Hoffe and Balducci, 2012), directly involv in the expect increase of new cancer cases from 19 to Egypt Email List more than 30 million by 2040 (International Agency for Research on Cancer, 2023). According to official information, 11.4% of the Chileans are 65 years or older, with an expectancy of life of 76 years for men and 81 for women (Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas de Chile INE, 2023; International (Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas, 2023), 90% of them are part of the Chilean public system of health (FONASA, 2023), and the rest are treat in the Chilean private system of health.
Guidance And Control Of Aerospace
Currently, cancer is the main cause of death in Chile. Unfortunately, local statistics were not initially design thinking of the definition of the geriatric population, therefore the report incidence of cancer for the group of 50–69 years is unique and does not allow to have confident numrs concerning the 60–69 years subgroup. Also, there is a lack of an integrat national register of tumors, a situation that underestimates the real dimension of the cancer patient among the geriatric population. Among the 70 years TH Lists and older Chilean population, the report incidence rate and percentage for this group of age for the main type of tumors are as follows.